Passive income projects are a myth

Ron Jonkers
3 min readDec 28, 2022

Although there are various ways to earn passive income, the focus of my blog has primarily been on passive income projects in the cryptocurrency space.

This year I’ve come to the realization that there is no such thing as passive income projects. Before I explain why, let me start by sharing the definition of passive income according to Wikipedia:

“Passive income is unearned income that is acquired automatically with minimal labor to earn or maintain.”

This definition is not applicable to most passive income projects, because the required labor is not minimal.

Why passive income projects are NOT passive

Many projects require you to compound or claim daily. Although this does not take long, it forces you to act 365 days per year if you don’t want to miss any rewards. It also occupies some of your head space, because you have to remind yourself to act every day.

On top of that, some projects require you to pay monthly ‘maintenance’ fees. Failing to do so can lead to a halt in earning rewards, or even result in the loss of your investment. Once more, you are required to both act and remember.

Another reason that passive income projects aren’t actually passive, is because you constantly need to monitor the…



Ron Jonkers

Husband, father, crypto enthusiast and software developer.